update history October 2024 (v0.54) New Osc Module - Added "Splice n' Dice" --> Similar to Pitch n' Sync module but this is instead a simple splicer between two saws/squares using a pw square as gate. The Fundamental Saw acting as an amplitude modulator. LFO Retriggering - Additional LFO retrig options added. These and other options have been placed under "LFO Advanced Settings", found in the LFO waveform dropdowns. --> Use two separate specified keys to retrigger each of the LFOs. These specified keys can also be made silent (muted). --> Free (mono) LFO waveforms can now be retriggered by any/all new keys played. --> Any alone Voice can also be used as initial retrigger for Free (mono) LFO waveforms, in conjuction with specified key. --> Retrig button gives rough indication when any additional retriggers are received. Aux Oscillator - "Noise Mixer" and "Noise Velvet" changed --> Noise filter tracking can now be turned on/off. --> Added "HP Mix" and "HP Sweep" knobs, allowing for better shaping. "Aux Slice" and "Aux Phase" modulation destinations are used for these two new knobs. --> Tip: Noise Velvet also has a hidden "HP Sweep" (Phase destination). GUI and other - Various changes made to improve usability September 2024 #2 (v0.536) Fixes and Changes - Assignable C1..C3's MIDI inputs were messed up. Hopefully fixed. - Added an exponential option for pitchbend. September 2024 #1 (v0.535) New Osc Module - Added "Phase Drifter". Basically a simple 2 OP FM with similar chararacteristics as the Osc Module "Had spice will Fold" (wavefolding) but instead using phase modulation. Osc Module fixes "Had spice will Fold" hopefully fixed regarding... --> Fundamental Saw Slice now works for Folder 2's Fundamental Saw. --> Comb affects both Folder 1's and 2's Fundamental Saw. --> Dropdown option for Folder 2's phase fixed. Osc Module changes - Added P3C knob Cycle-intervals options for some Osc Modules. This enables better use of the P3C knob as a rotary modulator in itself for slow rate modulation. - "Mars Attacks" changed. Sound might have changed, but result is less aliasing. - Various other dropdown options added and some internal changes made to some Osc Modules GUI changes and fixes - Knobs "visually" reverted back to previous value if CTRL-to-step was used right before saving to preset txt file. Fixed. - Interval indicator for Fundamental Saw S1 knob added. Gives a hint at if there is arbitrary behaviour inside currently selected Osc Module when tweaking S1. - Color picker added top left for flagging presets or instances of plugin using colors. - Messed up the Clip indicator dropdown. Fixed. - Other fixes and changes made on the UI to improve usability August 2024 (v0.53) New Osc Module - Added: "Had spice will Fold"... a simple dual wavefolder with some internal pre-filtering Osc Module fixes and changes - "Climbing the squares of Saw" didn't function as intended after a previous update. Fixed. - For some Osc Modules the P3C knob's interval indicator could unintentionally get disabled. Fixed. - "Surfin the Sines" has some more waveform options for subtle changes to the sound Aux Osc - Rand Detune, if activated is now always applied to Aux Osc. But Rand Detune can be bypassed when Aux is in Pitch Mode 6 & 7 via "Non Automatable Trimpots" under About. Useful for forcing Aux Osc to mono when synth is in "MIDI Unison" and using "Pitch 2 Pan Spread" Portamento - Can now be routed to also add portamento slide to "Oct/Semi Pure" and "AuxOsc Oct/Semi Pure" modulation. Option for this is found in "Non Automatable Trimpots" under About. Usage example: Turn the C1 knob on preset "Fast and UnFurious" in this update of LFO - Step LFO waveforms (Sine/Saw/Tri) behaves slightly better on Shape-knob automation - Step LFO waveforms (Sine/Saw/Tri) can now be be set to a max of 64 steps instead of just 16 Sample & Hold knob mode - Hopefully works better with LFO knobs when free LFO waveforms are selected - Knobs that support S&H knob mode can now be set to two modes: "Sample & Hold on Trigger" and "Sample & Hold on Release" Option for enabling S&H knob mode is found in "Non Automatable Trimpots" menu under About - S&H mode also added to Main Oct and Semi Shifter knobs GUI and other fixes - Minor change to PitchMod - Zoom dropdown percentage didn't update as it should when dragging to change window size. Hopefully fixed. - Schematic adjustments to hopefully make changing filters and filter routing a bit more seamless, without ending ongoing notes... - P3C Knob interval indicatior around the knob now includes (takes into account) value from Assignable C1..C3 - Redraw issues (stuck pixels) for filter curve miniatures. Fixed. - Feedback's neon circle did not update when Assignable C1..C3 knob was reset. Fixed. - Value label under "Velo 2 Env's" depth knob didn't update according to the destinations current value in last release. Fixed. - Preset dropdown always opened when plugin was loaded in DAW. Fixed. - A few presets had to been changed and some new presets added. - Main Volume knob was messed up. Fixed. You might have to readjust this in a project. - Other GUI improvements June 2024 update #2 (v0.524) Overall fixes - Schematic logic for knob activation hopefully works correctly once again (stopped working as intended due to changes after v0.45) Osc Modules - Some specific dropdown options can now be automated between - New module "Eight Leaky Pipes" added. A crude mixer of 8 oscillators... just to add more choices of Osc Modules at this time. GUI Updates - Mini visualization of LFO's uni/bipolar offset didn't redraw when resetting the Depth knob. Now fixed "again" in this export release. - All dropdowns changed to instead open on left mouse button up - Standalone EXE version: Fullscreen toggle button added June 2024 update #1 (v0.522) Overall changes - Knobs now redrawn at a slower rate. Automation redraws even slower. Not as smooth motion but more importantly uses less CPU. - Other micro optimizations of FS schematic GUI updates - VST Only: Zoom and Day/Night mode now hopefully recalled when DAW loads plugin in a project (only tested with Reaper DAW) - P3C knob now indicates current interval if such an Osc Module is selected - Frontpanel "MIDI Unison" shortcut-button changed so it no longer opens info message box. Info is still available under it's dropdown - Activation indicators under the About-screen now contain clickable shortcuts to the different panels/sections Bug fix - Schematic issue caused by FS with some redrawing of LFO1 Uni/bipolar offset previews... hopefully fixed May 2024 update #3 (v0.521) Mute & Solo - Solo button "S" added to Aux Oscillator - Mute and Solo for Aux Oscillator now only affects Aux Oscillator and Osc Module. Likewise the different modulation sources Mute- and Solo-buttons does not affect the Aux Oscillator anymore. - As before, Mute "M" buttons are saved with preset and can be automated. But Solo "S" buttons are only temporary... and disabled when changing view/panel. Other updates - Miniature filter curve illustration added to UI, to aid especially when using ZDF filter combos - Knob activation-buttons (yellow) no longer open info message boxes if they are not activated (yellow) - Some internal fixes/changes - Other minor changes and visual queues added May 2024 update #2 (v0.52) Night mode UI - A darker theme introduced for those who can't stand the highly subtle coloring of the original UI :-) Aux Oscillator - Pitch Mode update. Pitchbend can now be independently enabled/disabled for Aux Oscillator - Minor change to Noise Velvet behaviour with S1 knob Other changes - Minor update to the GUI - Some internal fixes/changes May 2024 update #1 (v0.51) Overall fixes - Hopefully the synth works at 96khz or atleast better than before at higher samplerates... - Attempt at reducing CPU usage by schematic reduction. Since CPU usage has been slowly increasing over the last few updates, mostly due to added features Filters - Filter Cutoff, Resonance and Feedback mappings/limitations/reductions have been changed. More resonance allowed on some filters and when in series. Caution: Increased resonance means output can get loud and also clips easier. - Some new Low Shelf, High Shelf and Band Shelf filter variants added, using lowpass + bandpass + highpass outputs from single ZDF's. Giving crude resonant subtractive shelving filters... sort of. Might be useful as simple EQ's for shaping sound. - All multi ZDF filters are now also quieter at fully open/closed. No change to the filters, just a reduction of output, near Cutoff- and- Sweep-knob end values Osc Modules - Additional filtering added or existing adjusted in all of the synths Osc Modules. Resulting in an alterned sound of the synth, but mostly when using Feedback or Distortion and at higher notes. - "Pitch n Sync" and "Pitch n Sync Duo" adjusted and now retain Fundamental Saw's shape (S1 and S2) more than before at high notes. But does instead allow for more aliasing by the syncing. Both Osc Modules should now be a bit more resilient against steep modulation (of frequencies). Option-dropdown added with possibility for a fixed sync sound. Aux Oscillator - Saw has been fixed to work better at higher notes. - Sine and Triangle have been modified to retain S1 and S2 knob shaping at higher frequencies. But does allow for more aliasing. - "Noise Mix" and "Noise Velvet" now include a S2 knob to mix between 2 tracking-filtered outputs and a passthrough: Low Pass <--> Passthrough <--> Bypass Modulations - Any "Detune" modulation is now sent to individual detuners, separate from detuners connected to the knobs. - Any filter "Sweep" modulation now goes directly into filter. Circumventing the Sweep-knobs exponential mapping. Gives a modulation outcome closer to the source waveform. Distortion - Gain Bias added. Giving dropdown options for asymmetrical clip by adding or removing DC offset to the distortion input. - Distortion filtering adjusted and there is now the option of adjusting the distortions "pre-distortion crossover" frequency under the "About" screen and "Non Automatable Trimpots" menu. - There will probably be future changes done regarding distortion... GUI - Various adjustments and additions to the interface Other Changes - P3 and P3C now individually controllable by Assignable C1,C2 and C3. Most Osc Modules with P3C have a hidden P3-knob input and P3 was "previously" only available to modulation sources. - Hold "CTRL key" enabled for most of the synths knobs. Holding down "CTRL key" snaps to visual markers, but not on all knobs. Can differ from knob to knob. - Hold "ALT key" enabled. Holding down "ALT key" enables coarse adjustment of knobs, opposite of "SHIFT key" for fine adjustment. - "Detune" knobs now support S&H mode (Sample & Hold). This might allow better overall versatility for Detune since individual incoming notes can get static detunes using some pre-note DAW-automation to the detune knob... when it's in S&H mode. - Pitch 2 Pan "Center" and "Spread" knobs now supports S&H mode (Sample & Hold). - BPM Host Override changed to a fineness of 1/100 bpm and override now starts at 0.01 bpm. - "F1 and F2 Level Gain" adjustments under the "About" screen and "Non Automatable Trimpots" menu has been changed and now allows for +6dB (0-4x level). - Various internal changes, for example of "Pitch 2 Pan". Also other micro optimizations and/or adjustments... December 2023 New years update (v0.5) Filters - 6 dual-filter modes added featuring MV's ZDF filters Rand Detune & LFO "1-Shot Random Glide..." - These two work more as intended when used in mono mode (only 1 voice selected) - In mono mode, random value is now generated on every note triggered, compared to in poly mode (2+ voices) which only generates a new random value for new voices (iow when no note stealing is occuring) - "1-shot Random Glide" waveform now features Shape-knob for setting random distribution (% Gap)... similar to "Rand Detune". Osc Modules & Distortion - Additional dynamic HP filtering added internally "here and there" to reduce aliasing somewhat - This have likely changed the sound of some Osc Modules and the synth in general Non Automatable Trim / Settings - New button-panel added under About tab-screen for adjusting some settings - Additional F1 & F2 level adjustment, mouse cursor behaviour and option to change certain knobs into "Sample & Hold" knobs is now available - Note: The Non Automatable Trim / Settings are saved per preset, but cannot themselves be automated by DAW - More settings might be added to this new button-panel later on... Other Changes - Better behaviour of Peak/Level Meter - Solo "S" buttons added for each modulation section. - All Mute buttons are saved with preset, but Solo is only momentary and deactivated when another section-panel is opened or preset changed - A few more options added to some of the Osc Modules - LFO Saw SĀ² waveform had wrong initial phase. Corrected. - Other adjustments of GUI to improve usability November 2023 #2 (v0.49) General - Necessary fixes... Velo 2 Env - Envelopes can now be modulated by note velocity, like in most other synths - If this is the final behaviour of modulation for the envelopes isn't decided upon yet. November 2023 #1 (v0.48) Fixes - Using Slice and Distortion together caused serious DC. Fixed now, or atleast improved - S2 knob for Aux Oscillators "Sine" and "Triangle" works better. S1 and S2 also remapped (ignored at high notes) for these two, reducing aliasing - "M" mute buttons now work as they should. Muting entire modulation sections more correctly Random Detune added - Enables variation by subtle random detune, or completely out of tune mayhem - Rand Detune values are sent to "Pitch Pan" and can also be used with MIDI Unison for simple stereo widening or cheap phaser effect - Rand Detune's random values can moreover be used by LFOs MIDI Unison - Rudimentary layering which creates multiple instances of played notes, which can then be detuned by Rand Detune or modulated by LFOs different "Random" waveforms Amount of Voices - Voice limit now removed - Up to 512 voices "can" be selected, but it's up to you to figure out what your CPU can handle :-) - Later gen i7 should be able to handle up to 64 voices (with minimum amount of modulations and maximum of MIDI Unison 2x) - CPU load ultimately depends on how much stuff is activated and used in - Freezing/bouncing tracks is recommended - Common symptom of to much CPU load is when sound breaks/cracks up... or when MIDI Unison starts causing clicks LFOs - Added option for flipping waveforms 180 degrees depending on if current playing voice is Odd or Even (in playing order). If all notes are sustained: First note/voice played is Odd, second note/voice played is Even, third is Odd, and so on... - Mute -/+ buttons added for LFO Depth knobs. These enables driving depth to zero (0) by modulation or Assignable C1..C3 knob without flipping - LFO waveforms have been renamed and some added. For example "Square Smooth" - Note: Any preset made with previous version of might have to be adjusted due to changes in selection of dropdown waveforms UI changes & improvements - LFOs and other modulation sections have been changed to better show what is sent to destination - LFOs Uni/Bipolar offset preview now autozooms in 2 steps - Other minor changes to improve usability September 2023 (v0.47) General changes - Internal changes. Unfortunately takes a bit longer to change preset now Any presets made in previous versions of needs to be adjusted due to changes. Especially selected LFO waveforms and depth's - Modified UI to improve usability LFOs - LFO Depths can now flip same as with ModEnvelope Depths This means that LFO modulation can be inverted for any destination - Waveform "Noise Sample & Hold" modified and renamed to "Random Sample & Hold". Now has Shape and Random setting - Waveform "Noise" modified and renamed to "Noise Random Glide". Now has Shape and Random setting - Waveform 1-shot Random Glide added. Glide time controlled by frequency. Phase is unused - LFO 1 & 2 can now Retrigger each other Envelopes - Decays and Releases can now be set to either linear or exponential - AHD now also have Smooth Retriggering - ModEnvelopesĀ  "Amount" labels renamed to "Depth" same as LFOs for naming consistency Osc Modules - "Option" dropdown button added to certain Osc Modules. Allowing for additional settings depending on selected Osc Module - Some Osc Modules respond to LFO frequency and retriggering, depending on settings - A choice of MVs noise oscillators added to some Osc Modules AUX Oscillator - Sine and Triangle now have Shape S1 and S2 - Waveform Cascade Sine added (MVs Cascade oscillator mixed with Sine) - Waveform Velvet Noise added (MVs) - Noise changed into "Noise Mixer" with 3 types of noise (also MVs) Shape S1, S2 and Slice - All three S1, S2 and Slice (frag) can now be modulated VeloMod, PitchMod and Assignable C1..C3 - Additional "modulation ranges" added. Final modulation outputs are determined by Depth knob's multiplication of selected range, same as before Distortion - Distortion can now be set to Pre-Filter distortion April 2023 (v0.45) Fundamental Saw - Main sawtooth has been changed resulting in a slightly changed overall sound - Saw Shape knob now replaced with knobs S1 and S2 Slice - Now has two modes: Slice and Frag (fragment) - Both modes use an arbitrary number of samples of a sawtooth to "mechanically mess with" the outputed final saw. Either by keeping these samples and subtracting the rest, or, by subtracting these samples from the final saw - Frag results in a very subtle comb filter like effect - Slice and Frag also added to Auxiliary Oscillator's Saw and Square waveforms - Slice and Frag is disconnected until used Fixes - Uni/Bipolar Offset preview is now updated correctly - Uni/Bipolar Offset preview also shown when holding left mouse button down - Adjustments of GUI to improve usability - Other minor fixes... hopefully not resulting in other/more issues March 2023 (v0.44 and v0.44.1) Adjustments & Fixes - Distortion was broken in v0.44, fixed in v0.44.1. Distortion knob will be adjusted in upcoming update - New parameter "Slice" changed. It's no longer static length of samples - Future updates might instead add option for slice length including static length - Reduced memory consumption compared to previous v0.44 - Other minor adjustments of GUI to improve usability March 2023 (v0.43) LFO Modulation - Mapping of LFO's Depth knobs has been changed. Any presets created with previous versions of will have to be adjusted - Uni/Bipolar Offset reworked and now only scales from 0 with Depth knob. It can no longer be set to a static DC negative or positive offset - A larger visual representation of the Uni/Bipolar offset is now shown as reference while adjusting Amp/Filter/Mod Envelopes - Envelopes can now be switched between Flowstone toolbox ADSR and AHD Slice - New "Slice" parameter added. For playing around with resonance - Slice knob attenuates lower harmonics by just keeping the first samples of the saw waveform and subtracting remaining samples with themselves. Note, in this version, that since the amount of samples is static regardless of played note, the amplitude of the spectral content in the "slice" wont be the same across the frequency range - The Slice parameter cannot be modulated nor controlled by assignable C1..C3 yet. It will be added in future updates Fixes & Adjustments - P3C knob for "Pitch n Sync Duo" Osc module has been adjusted - Minor adjustments of GUI to improve usability March 2023 (v0.42) Fixes & Adjustments - A second hardsync OSC module added - Minor adjustments of GUI to improve usability March 2023 (v0.41) LFO modulation - Free waveforms (free LFO's) Speed, Phase and Shape can now be modulated by Mod Envelopes, Pitch Mod, Velocity Mod and LFO to LFO - Beware that modulating free LFO's by Mod Envelopes will tend to use more voices (and CPU) depending on envelope release time "R" Pitch and Velocity modulation - Fixed! Did not function properly at all due to a schematic blunder... atleast in previous export of - "Amount knobs" have now been replaced by "Depth knobs" - Modulation types added: (-1)-1, 1-(-1), 0-1, 1-0, 0-(-1) and (-1)-0 Assignable C1, C2 and C3 - Modulation types added: 0-1, 1-0, 0-(-1) and (-1)-0 Distortion modulation - Fixed. Can now be modulated (in a more reasonable way) even in "Post Env" by both Mod Envelopes and LFO's - Beware that modulating Distortion by Mod Envelopes will tend to use more voices (and CPU) depending on envelope release time "R" Other updates - Reduced Flowstone schematics in preparation for possible future updates. Means less RAM consumption and slightly shorter loading time... for now atleast. - Clear Synth Audio (If synth has issues) can now be triggered via automation in case of concurring stuck notes during playback etc - Scope mode (pre/post-filter and post-dist) is now saved with presets - Other adjustments of GUI to improve usability February 2023 (v0.4) LFO's - Added waveform DC offset option to most LFO destinations, not only Oct/Semi shifters Mod Envelopes - Removed "adaptive" modulation (meant to reduce overmodulation and make fine modulation easier) since they restricted opposing modulations - This change affects all Mod Envelope amounts, so any soundpresets made with older versions of will have to be adjusted. Demo presets in v0.4 have been adjusted accordingly to resemble older versions presets Fixes - Sub Aux Oscillator should no longer be phase inverted going thru F2 if filters are routed in Series 1 or Series 2 - Sub Aux Oscillator "Mix" incorrectly affected main Osc Module's bypass level when filters were routed in Series 1 - Other small fixes made... Assignable C1, C2 and C3 - Option for knob "direct control" removed entirely to reduce Flowstone schematic size of - Therefore any need for knob value retention is gone. Value retention didn't work properly anyway since it "messed up" values badly when changing preset - Added a knob sensitivity option for "This knob". Normal, Medium or Max Other updates - Minor changes to GUI to improve usability January 2023 (v0.35) Performance improvement - Less CPU per knob is used when tweaking / automation - Pitch Pan is now also disconnected until used. Similar to modulation knobs. Assignable C1, C2 and C3 - "This knob" knobs can now be moved to GUI front panel for easy access - This placement is saved per preset - Some destinations knob values are now temporarily retained when selecting a modulation "type for" and then setting it to Off again. Future updates will include this temporary retention for all destinations knobs and their values. LFO waveforms - A few waveforms and Shape control has been added to LFO's - Including "crude" stepped waveforms. But they will have to do for now... Fixes & Adjustments - Minor adjustments to particular OSC modules. Might mean a somewhat changed tonality - Various fixes and some minor adjustments GUI to improve usability December 2022 (v0.34) Fixes & Adjustments - Filter Mix and Aux Osc Mix are no longer linear - Aux Oscillator ouput level increased - For VST only: Knob sensitivity now remains the same (more or less) regardless of GUI zoom/size - LFO's Noise S&H smooth knob now works better - Other minor fixes... December 2022 (v0.33) Performance improvement - Functionality for knob "activation" and "deactivation" added. Modulation routings are now disconnected until modulation knobs are used. Maximum voices increased to 64. Default voice setting now 12 voices. - Modulation usage overview on the "About" screen. Deactivation of all modulation knobs (unused at default values) can be done there as well. Auxiliary Oscillator - Aux oscillator phase, shape, mix and pitch can now be modulated GUI improvements - Better feedback to user with "Please wait" message and other minor adjustments November 2022 (v0.3) Fundamental Saw - Alterations to all Osc modules. This changes overall tonality a bit, but permits a slightly greater change to the saw waveform using the Saw Shape on all modules Aux Sub Oscillator Saw Shape - Saw shape also added to Auxiliary Oscillator's saw waveforms Distortion improvement - Reduced aliasing on distortion. Still terrible, but maybe some improvement. - Turning ON/OFF distortion now also stops all notes and sound. Hopefully this reduces chance of distortion not working correctly or crashing Assignable C1, C2 and C3 fix - Hopefully they work as intended now November 2022 (v0.2) Filter Routing - Three different filter routing options are now available: Parallel, Series 1 and Series 2 Auxiliary Oscillator added - Additional oscillator essentially turns into a rather wonky kind of 2 oscillator synth.- One of these ocillators of course being the "main" Osc Module which stays the same as before and utilizing different amounts of oscillators inside. The new Aux Oscillator is partly decoupled and has it's own Routing and Mix Level settings. Choose to route to filter 1, 2, both or bypass (when used) - For convenience... an AUX dropdown shortcut has been added beside the P3 button Note: The Aux Oscillator can only be controlled by automation in this version (v0.3). It has not yet been added as modulation nor controller destination. The actual implementation for modulating this oscillator is dependent on future updates. But, some individual "phase, mix and pitch" modulation are likely candidates to be added further on Oct and Semi Shifter changes - This results in a slight difference of behaviour when modulating them compared to before... - Knobs "HI "and "LO" have also been added to LFO's destinations "Oct Shift" and "Semi Shift". These two knobs are each a combined DC-offset and Amp that scales the LFO output waveform upwards and downwards Aftertouch - Support for aftertouch added and can be selected as input source via Assignable C1, C2 and C3 Tempo / BPM override - Custom BPM rate can now be set in the "About" Panel. This setting is mainly aimed at Standalone version if using LFO's BPM match setting when no host is connected (default 120 bpm) Fixes and Adjustments - Reduced unwanted/unnerving sound or crackle when changing preset Distortion is now fully disconnected when OFF to reduce some CPU usage. It will now only receive modulation when ON (green) - This change unfortunately means a click when turning distortion ON or OFF LFO 1 & 2 are now indicated as active with a "+" in dropdown when ON (waveform is selected) - This will reduce risk of missing/forgetting that a LFO is being used and one of it's destinations are modulated by a Mod Envelope... or perhaps an automation track - Velo Amp is now also indicated as active with a "+" in dropdown when velocity curve has a non default value Changes to the GUI and buttons to improve usability - Some buttons were unresponsive at first click after loading plugin or changing preset October 2022 (v0.1) - export version 0.1 released